Monday, January 11, 2010

Disney Residue

Disney World must have rubbed off on me because my internal monologue turned into this today.

In the (evil) spirit of the querulous and discontent Ariel of the (evil) Little Mermaid I submit to you this (arguably evil) little song.

Enough of that. 
Henceforth, I shall whistle while I work.

But maybe after I finish the laundry I will disobey my father, put my entire community in danger and marry outside of the covenant just because I really, really like that boy I never talked to before. Just follow your adolescent heart and you can't go wrong.

 I love a good role model.

*How to Survive Disney World" Tutorial forthcoming.*


Out of Their World from Rebekah Vaisey on Vimeo.


  1. my favorite part was that you sound like a disney princess. Maybe this is your after-happily-ever-after. what the camera's didn't see after she found her prince. truly hilar.

  2. how is it that this is first time i've heard you sing? nice pipes, lady.

  3. What kelly said. Katrina,too. Nicely done, and hilarious!

  4. now. did you memorize that or did you have a teleprompter? Either way, you should've been a broadway star.

  5. oh my. that was awesome! ROTFL!!!!

  6. Have you been taking voice lessons in your spare time?

  7. Is it weird that it kind of made me cry? hhmmmm..

  8. Best part = you pushing up on the laundry basket bolder above the sea of laundry for the finale. So funny.

  9. Humor - truly the only way to make it through some days. . .and you do it so well.

  10. this is now part of my itunes collection. you are a star.

  11. How in the name of all that is unrational did I miss this post??? I am just now watching it and can hardly move from the involuntary movements my body is making in response to your undeniable talent and humor. I am dyin' ova' heera! Not fer nuthin'!!!

  12. unrational...irrational...same thing when you are convulsing!!!

  13. ummmm. I have that same laundry basket! Come over and sing that and tip mine over, would ya?

    You crack me up! We'll laugh and fold laundry
